Friday, June 27, 2014


As the birthday of our nation approaches we should all take some time to reflect on how fortunate we are to be citizens of the United States of America and for all the freedoms we have.  We take so many freedoms for granted.  The freedom of speech, the right to vote, freedom of religion all these things that are so commonplace to us are unheard of rights in some countries. 

June 14th was Flag Day – how many people observed that day?  There were some special celebrations in Washington D.C and in Philadelphia, Pa at Freedom Hall, but as a general rule the day came and went unobserved. 

How much do you know about our flag?  Here are some questions see if you know the answers.

When was the first flag authorized?  The flag was authorized by the Continental Congress on June 14, 1777. 

What do the stars and stripes represent? The alternating red and white stripes represent the first 13 states.  The white stars in a blue field represent “a new constellation”.  In 1818 Congress and President James Monroe agreed that there should be 1 star for each state added to the union.

What is a flag expert called?  A flag expert is called a vexillologist

For information on how to properly display the flag go to   

 So as July 4th approaches take some time during the picnics, bar-b q’s and fireworks to think about the founding fathers and our Constitution which guarantees our freedoms.  Think about our flag and all it stands for, think about all those in past and current wars who are representing our freedom and defending all that our flag stands for.  Thank a veteran because freedom is not free.  Fly the flag proudly!  

Have a safe and happy 4th from all of us at Dodge Moving & Storage.


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